Marshall Harrison: guitars last theorem

The enigmatic code, decode... N/eagkk G/eeuaib ewryeba!! A super cool looking guitar from Conklin, played by one of the best...

Marshall Harrison plays a 3/4 scale, 7 string guitar

Marshall Harrison and the 0.75 scale guitar (part II)

I managed to catch up with Marshall Harrison whose still involved with stimulation/completion and micro seismic fracture mapping to produce oil more
efficiently and in greater quantities.

So what's happened to the guitar I here you ask? Well... the guitar is still there but he doesn't play guitar as much, just for relaxation after work. But as Marshall explains, although he's busy seismic fracture mapping, his current true love is the piano. He's playing more piano now than ever before. Marshall says: "I've worked feverishly on Alkan's Etude no. 3 op.76 (hands reunited) - god that piece is fun... check it out on youtube" ... So I did, but this is half of his guitar version.

Marshall Harrison: Alkan's Etude 3 op.76

and this is an example on piano by Isaac Holbrook

Alkan Grand Etude "Hands Reunited" Op 76

Still in the list of things to do for Marshall, musically, is to complete, record, transcribe the following musical extravaganzas:

Czerny School of velocity complete with backing tracks.
Paganini - Perpetual motion (re-record)
Alkan - Baurre d'Auvergnon, Perpetual motion, Le Chemin de Fur. (all
perpetual motion type pieces)
Alexander Rosenblatt - "Humoresque" - Concerto for Electric guitar and
and finally, the one that get my mouth watering even more, Marshalls own pieces:

Marshall C Harrison - 100 Transcendental Caprices for the Guitar

Watch this space...

I love this guy...but he's knee deep in the paraphernalia of black gold divining. But as they say you can't keep a good man down, so I hold a torch for the return of guitars last theorem...even if it's just post work relaxation videos... that'll be good enough for me... in the mean time crazy, guitar sanity (using Vigier Shawn Lane Excalibur Model)

12 bar jazz blues--

and the really rather awesome moto perpetuo by Niccolo Paganini, opus 11 as executed by Lord Marshall of Harrison.

moto perpetuo

You can't keep a good guitarist down. Marshall Harrison head still in oil geology, so time to travel back and post an oldie but goodie!

Wieniawski's Etude-Caprice no.3

Crossroads(stevevai)play around

Time for the six monthly check up and yes its great news in one way and sad news in another. Marshall has completed his Masters in Petroleum Engineering in August 2006. This means that Marshall is now working in Houston providing data analysis of hydraulic fracture treatments and hydraulic fracture monitoring assessments...all suitably technical!

I guess the sad news is the new job and work schedule means all guitar related activities have been put on hold for the foreseeable future!

Marshall noted that Alexander Rosenblatt has completed commissions for two works, a
concerto for electric guitar and orchestra and a piano etude "Humoresque". However,
there are no plans to record or perform these pieces in the near future.

I wish Marshall all the success in his new career!

more Marshall Harrison

Marshall Harrison playing guitar

Marshall Harrison will be finishing his masters August 2006. So guitar is on hold at the moment. He has already written an academic paper, with Prof. Michael Economides of University of Houston, on Gas Forecasting. The thesis will take a significant portion of Marshalls time.

Marshall has also commissioned Russian composer, Alexander Rosenblatt to compose a piece for orchestra and electric guitar. He has since completed this and Marshall will spend this year learning this and putting it into midi form for practice purposes.

Example Lesson (24 MB) This lesson deals with a particular wide-interval, hybrid-picked, triadic, string-skipped, tapped mixolydian lick. Also there is a two-finger-tapped mixed pentatonic lick described therein.

Yes he's back..bigger and badder then ever with a new web site!
It's not complete yet...but it's on ot's for the CD?

old web site look and feel:

Unfortunately Marshall has had to put his Instructional DVD's on hold for the time being. More when I know.

Marshall has revamped his web site making slighlty easier to find things like his tab from the Licks from the vault

Two new free videos from Marshall to promote his online video service:
Both highlight his expansive guitar style and Garsed inspired hybrid picking technique.

Another nice Marshall clip I missed...playing the Blues...Marshall style

Found some more Marshall clips that will be of interest, check out the "Chops From Hell" guest column, ten examples of diminished ideas.

Guitar9 Guest Column sweep picking ideas

Marshall has added a new MP3 based on a Pat Metheny track called 'Bright Size Life' (wma) audio jam.

Marshall has added a new MP3 based on a Pat Metheny track called 'Lakes' (wma) audio jam.

Marshall has a fee based video service. The cost is $8 US per month and will be billed automatically every 30 days from sign up date. Payment is made through Paypal and can be arranged at paypal site.


What do you do when you hear and see a master of guitar and a master of piano? You are instantly reminded of those other talents that in habit an ethereal, unattainable world. I am of course talking about the phenomenal abilities of the likes of the late Shawn Lane and Tony Macalpine. Marshall is an accomplished guitar and piano player and I don't think it will be too long before you add Marshall to the list of these talented individuals.

He also appeared as the super shredder in a revamped Black Sheep. Check out the buzz surrounding Marshall in 2002 on the Frank Gamble Forum

To cap it all Marshall is also a very talented mathematician , using these skills at graduate school by undertaking a Masters degree in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Houston.

He quotes influences like Brett Garsed, Scott Henderson, Frank Gambale, Rusty Cooley and Derryl Gabel.

As far as recordings go hes has feels he has composed enough material for a solid first-album and just waiting for the time and money to get in the studio.

Marshall has a number of videos of piano and guitar playing that you must see as they are astonishing. If you get a chance just check out the awesome picking video of a reworking of Paganini's Perpetual Motion (wmv), brilliant.
